Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Академічна мобільність — важлива складова у процесі формування єдиного європейського освітнього простору
On May 16, 2023, an extended meeting of the “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business” cyclic graduation committee was held. Among the issues discussed during the meeting was the topic of innovation in the field of academic mobility. Academic mobility allows students and teachers to study or perform internships abroad. Academic mobility is the most developed […]
Вивчення досвіду екскурсійної діяльності Музею історії Національного університету «Острозької академії»
As part of implementing the educational and professional program “Tourism,” teachers and students of the “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business” department visited the Museum of History of the National University “Ostroh Academy,” which is located in the architectural monument of local importance, the Capuchin monastery. The visit aimed to learn about the experience and practical […]
Відпрацювання навичок приготування та подачі коктейлів
On May 11, Tetiana Ishchyk, a teacher of professional disciplines, conducted an open laboratory lesson on the topic “Cocktail Preparation and Serving” as part of the week of the cycle graduation committee of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”. During the laboratory training, the students of the educational professional program “Hotel and Restaurant Business” prepared technological […]
Активний туризм – запорука здоров’я!
During the week of the cyclic graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”, sports tourism and orienteering competitions were held to develop and popularize sports as an active recreation and a healthy lifestyle among college students. In the inner courtyard of the college, the students competed in the “Labyrinth” orienteering course and the cycling […]
Науково-дослідна робота як складова якісної підготовки здобувача освіти
During the week of the cycle graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”, students and teachers took part in the work of the II All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Issues of Land Use and Tourism in the Context of Sustainable Development of Ukraine” organized by the Lviv National Environmental University and the […]
Вдосконалення професійної комунікації іноземними мовами
The ability to communicate in foreign languages in the professional field is one of the key program competencies of students studying in the educational and professional program 242 Tourism. That is why, during the week of the cyclic graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”, students of the second course demonstrated their skills in […]
Волинь відома і невідома
During the week of the cyclic graduation committee of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, the first year students of the “Tourism” specialty with their foreign language teachers Tetyana Andrus and Oksana Kharkovska held an interesting and informative activity on the topic “Volyn Known and Unknown”. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to […]
Поетична весна: літературна година про місто Луцьк під відкритим небом
Люблю я Луцьк – мій Лучеськ – на світанні,Коли весна – і дихати превільно.В.Мартинюк An hour of poetry about the city of Lutsk was held during the week of the cyclic graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business” under the guidance of teacher Kateryna Chui for the students of the first course of professional […]
Організація бенкету за столом з частковим обслуговуванням офіціантами
Within the framework of the week of the cycle graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”, the students of the “Hotel and Restaurant Business” educational and professional program practiced the technique of preparing and serving a banquet under the guidance of a teacher of professional disciplines Tetiana Ishchyk. During the laboratory work, the future […]
Майстер-клас з ароматом кави
On May 9, 2023, within the framework of the week of the cyclic graduation commission of “Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business”, a workshop on making coffee and drinks based on it was held under the guidance of Ihor Ischyk, the representative of the company “ALPACA COFFEE”. During the workshop, the participants learned about the basic […]
День Європи по-новому
«Europe Day in a New Way», such an event was held by the Euroclub participants headed by Oksana Kharkovska. First-year students of the professional-education program “Hotel and Restaurant Business” learned about the history of the holiday, the activities of the main institutions of the European Union, and the role of the EU in the struggle […]
Гостьова лекція від бар менеджера мережі Emotion Group Юрія Цісарука
The bar manager of the Emotion Group network, Yurii Tsisaruk, held a guest lecture discussion with the students of the professional-education program “Hotel and Restaurant Business”. This activity is conducted as a part of the week of the cycle graduation committee of Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business. Yurii introduced the students to innovative approaches and […]