Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Історична реконструкція як форма проведення практичних занять
One of the methods of involving practitioners in the implementation of the educational process at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaraunt Business Department is to conduct practical classes (educational components: “Polish Language of the Tourism Industry”, “Excursion Studies,” and “History of the Native Land”) in the form of historical reconstruction of events. With the assistance of […]
Дослідження історії як шлях до формування професійних компетентностей фахівця туристичної галузі
Under the content of the educational professional program of the Tourism specialty, the teachers of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department conduct activities to involve practitioners and industry experts in the educational process. In this context, the director of the museum of the Lutsk brotherhood, a well-known Volyn researcher, Mrs. Olena Biriulina, visited the […]
Неформальна освіта в навчальному процесі
In the process of implementing a student-centered approach in the teaching of professional educational components (Marketing, Information Technologies in the HRG, Organization of the Hotel Industry), students of the specialty “Hotel and Restaurant Business” took the online course “We are Open” on the educational platform EdEra as part of informal education. This experience allowed the […]
Гостьовий лекторій
At the invitation of Viktoriia Vlasenko, the Polish Language teacher, a delegation of members of the Lublin Brotherhood held an exciting guest lecture in Polish for the students of the 242 Tourism major. The delegation arrived at Volyn on the occasion of the founding of the same brotherhood in our city. На запрошення викладача польської […]
Отримання практичних навичок – невід’ємна складова освітнього процесу
Third-year students of the Volyn Professional College of the National Technical University of Ukraine, majoring in “Hotel and Restaurant Business”, were involved in the process of organizing and serving an outing banquet-buffet. Students had the opportunity to consolidate practical catering service skills and improve their professional competencies. Отримання практичних навичок обслуговування гостей – невід’ємна складова […]
Викладачі й студенти відвідали презентацію монографії про спортивне виховання
On October 24, students and teachers of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department attended the presentation of the scientific work “Physical Education and Sports in Volyn during 1900–1939,” written in co-authorship by the spouses Anatolii and Nataliia Voynarovskyi, Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Masters of Sports. In his speech, the authors presented the important issue […]
Участь коледжу в зустрічі-нараді переможців конкурсу 2023 р. проєктів програми ЄС Еразмус+
The online meeting of the winners of the 2023 competition of EU Erasmus+ program projects with the representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine took place recently. The project team members “Building the horizontal potential of professional education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization and sustainability through the transfer of methodology and exchange […]
Навчальна екскурсія як метод формування спеціальних компетентностей
The teacher of the Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Yuriy Pasevich, and students of the educational professional program Tourism, group T-21, took part in an educational excursion to the Museum of Geology and Geomorphology, Faculty of Geography of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. The event was held as part of the study of […]
Зустріч Волинського фахового коледжу НУХТ з учнями Луцької гімназії №17
On October 4, the Volyn Professional College of the National University of Food Technologies welcomed the students of Lutsk Gymnasium No.17. The director of the college, Ihor Korchuk, addressed the children and told them about the history of the educational institution, exciting traditions, and cultural heritage. After that, the students enjoyed a tour of one […]
Органічні продукти – крок до збереження довкілля та здоровʼя
В рамках відзначення всеукраїнського тижня органічних продуктів викладач циклової випускової комісії к.т.н. Ольга Ройко провела для здобувачів освіти освітньо-професійних програм Харчові технології та Готельно-ресторанна справа інформаційну лекцію-бесіду на тему «Органічні продукти – крок до збереження довкілля та здоровʼя». Тема бесіди викликала жвавий інтерес серед студентів, адже органічні продукти стають все більше популярними як у світі, […]
Атмосферу створюють дрібниці
For the Day of Tourism, students of the T-41 group (Educational Professional Program Tourism), under the guidance of a teacher of professional disciplines, Oksana Kaznadzey, prepared several thematic photo zones that reflected different recreation styles. They were traditional tourism, with a tent, a guitar, a warm blanket, a barbecue, a romantic one, and a tourism […]
Участь в онлайн-конференції до Всесвітнього дня туризму
On September 27, teachers of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department and students of the Educational Professional Program Tourism participated in an online conference organized for International Tourism Day by the National University of Food Technologies. The participants of the meeting discussed actual issues of popularization and restoration of tourism in Ukraine after the […]