Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Штучний інтелект як інструмент сучасного фахівця
A workshop, “Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for a Modern Specialist,” was held for students of the educational professional program Tourism. Artem Kavara, a software developer at EPAM Systems Ukraine, introduced the students to the basic concepts of AI and neural networks, drew attention to the main components of queries, and provided practical advice on…
Формування навичок роботи в музеї
The specificity of the Tourism educational and professional programme includes a regional component, which is determined by the need to train specialists with an emphasis on the historical and cultural component of the tourism business, on the skills for working in the field of historical and cultural tourism (educational components “Museum Studies”, “History and Culture…
Автоматизація бізнес-процесів у сфері гостинності
В сучасному світі автоматизація бізнес-процесів стає все більш важливою для успіху будь-якої компанії. Це стосується і сфери гостинності, де автоматизовані системи можуть значно покращити ефективність роботи ресторанів та готелів, а також підвищити рівень обслуговування клієнтів. Під час проведення лабораторних занять з освітньої компоненти «Інформаційні системи та технології в готельно-ресторанному бізнесі», здобувачі освіти вивчають різні аспекти…
Формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності здобувачів освіти шляхом кіноперегляду
Watching movies in a foreign language with subtitles is an extremely good learning tool. The students of the study programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business” (the educational components “Foreign Language”) with teacher Oksana Kharkovska watched the movie and discovered a fantastic country – Narnia. They successfully did the tasks and discussed the plot and characters of…
Виїзне практичне заняття у готелі Ribas Rooms Lutsk
As part of the study of the educational professional component “Hotel Management”, an on-site practical lesson was held for students for the educational and professional programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business” at the Ribas Rooms Lutsk Hotel. The students got acquainted with the hotel rooms, a restaurant, conference services, coworking, SPA, and other hotel services. В…
Вдосконалення ділового спілкування: поради та секрети для успіху
As part of the week of the cycle graduation commission of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business, students of the educational and professional programme Tourism participated in an interactive guest lecture “Mastering Business Communication: Tips and Tricks for Success”. The lecture was delivered in English by Dana Kawara, Project Manager Consultant at Capgemini Deutschland GmbH. В…
Презентація спільного проєкту «Санітарно-гігієнічні вимоги до проєктування, будівництва та функціонування підприємств готельно-ресторанного типу»
As part of the week of the cycle graduation commission of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, the second-year students of the EPP “Hotel and restaurant business” presented a joint project “Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the design, construction and operation of hotel and restaurant enterprises. Solving situational problems”. 09 квітня в рамках тижня циклової…
Вдосконалення навичок володіння іноземною мовою та створення туристичного продукту під час бінарного заняття
The second-year students of the educational professional program “Tourism” improved their skills in a foreign language for specific purposes and the creation of a tourist product during a binary lesson on the educational components “Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English)” and “Technology and Organization of Tourist Services.” The practical lesson was held in the form…
Підготовка проєктів-реконструкції основних посад у сфері готельно-ресторанного бізнесу
The educational and professional programme Hotel and Restaurant Business provides various types of practical training for students, which is implemented through various forms of innovative activities. Thus, the students of the relevant EPP prepared projects for the reconstruction of the main positions in hotel and restaurant establishments: restaurant service master, head waiter, administrator, hostess, waiter,…
Гостьова лекція «Віртуальний туризм як новий вид нішевого туризму»
Students majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture on “Virtual Tourism as a New Type of Niche Tourism” by Olena Chernega, a virtual tourism leader, tourism expert, and practitioner in tourism product development and digital tourism and cultural product, founder of the NGO “Digitalisation of Tourism…
Відпрацювання навичок організації бенкету-чай
In the process of studying the educational components “Restaurant Management” and “Bar Business and Sommelier Organisation”, the students of the study programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business” practised the skills of selecting tableware and table setting before serving hot drinks, the order and serving of hot drinks and organising a tea party. Споживання чаю пов’язане з…
Апробація нового екскурсійного продукту
The students of the educational professional programme Tourism tried the new excursion route during an on-site practical lesson on the educational component “Excursion Studies”. The students completed the main process of developing an original tour itinerary, from the selection of objects to the assembling of the full range of possible services on the route. Сьогодні…