Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Елементарні форми дослідницької діяльності здобувачів
Implementing the elementary forms of research and innovation activities provided for by the educational and professional programmes Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, the students of the department and their supervisors participated in the VII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Geography and Tourism,” which was held by the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines and Geography […]
Вдосконалення спеціальних компетентностей на лабораторних роботах
The educational and professional program Hotel and Restaurant Business provides various types of practical training, including laboratory work. The practical task of laboratory work was to master the classic methods of preparing mixed drinks. Students not only improved their theoretical knowledge but also their practical skills, as this is necessary to ensure special competencies. Міксологія […]
Продовжуємо впроваджувати практичний досвід в освітній процес
As part of the study of the educational component “Professional Etiquette and Psychology of Service”, a binary lecture was held for Tourism students with the involvement of an industry expert, co-owner of the Empire Tour travel agency, travel blogger, and public figure Serhii Filipchuk. The stakeholder shared his vision of current trends in this area […]
Онлайн-лекторій «Смак життя: працевлаштування у сфері ресторанного бізнесу»
The students of the educational professional programme Hotel and Restaurant Business had the opportunity to join the online lecture “Taste of Life: Employment in the Restaurant Business” from Yulia Kostyuchenko, a stakeholder and leading HR manager of the recruitment department of the largest Ukrainian gastronomic holding Tarantino Family. Здобувачі ОПП Готельно-ресторанна справа мали можливість долучитись […]
Отримання «зелених» навичок у сфері туризму та гостинності
As part of their non-formal education, students of the Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business educational professional programs participated in a training course, “The European Green Course and Ukraine.” After completing the training, the students gained a thorough knowledge of the EGC, which is necessary to understand the current transformation of the European Union and […]
Пізнаємо світ, вивчаючи мови!
A regular meeting of the Ukrainian-Slovak Cultural and Linguistic Relations Scientific Club was held at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business. Students analyzed typical lexical phenomena of paronyms and homonyms, as well as interesting lexical combinations of words in Ukrainian and Slovak. The club’s activities are aimed at developing the ability of students to preserve […]
Здобуваємо спеціальні компетентності: сервіровка та обслуговування фуршету
Students of the educational and professional program Hotel and Restaurant Business studying the educational components “Organisation of Restaurant Services,” “Bar Business, and Organisation of Sommelier Work” systematically practice the skills of organizing various banquets. During a regular laboratory lesson, they gained practical experience in organising a buffet table. В сучасних умовах для ділових зустрічей і […]
Набуття загальних компетентностей здобувачами освіти
The educational components “Foreign Language (English, Polish)”, provided by the EPP Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, contribute to the acquisition of general competencies by applicants for professional higher education. Members of the Euroclub of our college, who are students of the relevant educational and professional programs, together with foreign languages teachers Oksana Kharkovska and […]
Розвиток креативності та забезпечення спеціальних компетентностей в навчальній лабораторії «Біля замку»
To ensure special competencies in the educational component “Restaurant Management”, students majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business constantly practice their practical skills. Thus, group GRS-31 presented their vision of a spring table setting in the halls of the educational restaurant “At the Castle.” Правильне та стильне сервірування столу – це завжди знак уваги до ваших […]
Відповідність професійної кваліфікації здобувачів освіти потребам цільових груп
When implementing the Tourism educational and professional program, we ensure that the professional qualifications of future specialists meet the needs of target groups. In the process of studying, the students of the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business Department join non-formal education opportunities within their specialty. They took the “Barrier-Free Hospitality” course on the educational portal […]
Практичне заняття-екскурсія «Позиціонування готелів Луцька у міському просторі»
The process of implementing the educational and professional program Hotel and Restaurant Business provides various types of practical training, so a lesson within the educational components “Hotel Management” and “Fundamentals of Marketing” was held in the form of a field trip in the streets of Lutsk. Students in the third year of the relevant educational […]
Залучення роботодавців до освітнього процесу
A guest lecture by Svyatoslav Krymchuk, the head of the UA-Tour travel agency, focused on current trends in the tourism business. They talked about advertising in tourism, in particular the channels of its distribution, the importance of advertising for tourism sales, and the peculiarities of advertising tours under martial law. The purpose of cooperation with […]