Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Екскурсія як елемент формування спеціальних компетентностей з ОПП Туризм
On the occasion of International Tourism Day and deepening professional practical training, the Educational Professional Program Tourism students visited the Volyn Museum of Local Lore. The excursion served as a practically oriented lesson from the educational component of Local History. The students got acquainted with the exhibits of the NaStroi ethnographic exhibition, which presents the […]
Свято здоров’я та натхнення!
In long-term cooperation with the Volyn Regional Center for National-Patriotic Education, the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department held sports events to celebrate International Tourism Day. The contests and competitions were held under the guidance of Iryna Melemukha, Alla Korniichuk, and Borys Tretevych. The entire set of activities aimed to form professional competencies in students, […]
Подорожуємо Україною
On the eve of the International Day of Tourism and the initiative of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department, the teachers of the Volyn Professional College of the National Technical University of Ukraine visited the Ladomyriia ethnic theme park. Excursions are part of the professional development of college teachers. They acquired new theoretical knowledge […]
Екологізація закладів готельно-ресторанного господарства як елемент збереження навколишнього середовища
Kateryna Demydiuk, head of the “Zero Waste Lutsk” public organization, gave a guest lecture to third-year students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Specialty. Ms. Kateryna introduced the students to the international Zero Waste movement. The students were able to improve their professional competencies. During the lecture, the students, under the guidance of the professional […]
Ознайомлення здобувачів освіти відділення туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи з освітньо-професійними програмами
Following the “Regulations on the Educational Process at the Volyn Professional College of the NUFT”, on September 12, 2023, a meeting was held at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department to familiarize students with educational and professional programs and the procedure for free choice of disciplines. The speakers let those present know the procedure […]
Перше засідання циклової випускової комісії відділення туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи в новому навчальному році
At the first meeting of the cycle graduation commission, plans and challenges for the new academic year were discussed. The first thing is the safety of all participants in the educational process under martial law. Educational goals include guest lectures, participation in scientific life, and continued implementation of international cooperation programs. Здобутки попереднього навчального року […]
День знань на відділенні туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
On September 1, at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department, the class teachers met the students of the new groups and their parents. The first open lesson on patriotism and history took place, and a tour of the Volyn Professional College of the National Technical University of Ukraine was held. Традиція починати навчальний рік […]
Підсумкове засідання циклової випускової комісії туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
The final meeting of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business cyclic graduation committee was held at the corresponding department. The teachers listened to the report of the head of the cycle graduation commission on implementing the working plan during the 2022-2023 academic year. Teachers’ reports on their educational and scientific work carried out during the […]
Академічна мобільність здобувачів освіти відділення туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи за програмою «Еразмус Болгарія» триває
“Erasmus Bulgaria” is a program for students and teachers from Ukrainian universities and colleges to have practical training on the basis of practice and internship in Bulgaria. This year, the program’s opportunities have been used by the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business graduates, who are currently undergoing an internship and acquiring practical […]
Знайомство з роботодавцями й перші самопрезентації на ринку праці
Students of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business had a chance to meet prospective employers at the Career Fair, which the Volyn Professional College NUFT organized. Within the framework of the event, a meeting of students majoring in “Tourism” with the head of the travel agency “UA-Tur” took place. Representatives of the […]
Самоосвіта як форма підвищення професійної майстерності викладача
On May 26–28, 2023, the National Convention of the TESOL-Ukraine organization of teachers of English as a foreign language, “TESOL Ukraine IN TIME OF WAR: BUILDING COMMUNITY, CREATING CHANGES,” was held in Lviv. The Convention was organized with the support of the RELO Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Ukraine. Viktoriia Kavara […]
Продовжуємо допомагати ЗСУ
Due to the initiative of the students’ activists of the “Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business “ department a charity event “Kulish for Armed Forces of Ukraine ” was held. It’s aim was to raise money for the warriors. All the participants could taste delicious food and drinks, and give voluntary money. За ініціативи студентського активу […]