Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Науково-дослідна робота як елемент формування загальних та спеціальних компетентностей
To ensure the elementary forms of research and innovation activities envisaged in the Educational Professional Programs “Tourism” and “Hotel and Restaurant Business,” a meeting of the scientific group “Features and Problems of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Development in the World” was held. The members of the scientific group discussed the first research results […]
Вшанування Дня Гідності та Свободи на відділенні туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
To develop the general competencies of the Educational Professional Program “Tourism” and Educational Professional Program “Hotel and Restaurant Business” (educational component History and Culture of Ukraine, History of the Native Land), the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business held historical hours dedicated to the Day of Dignity and Freedom. The students paid tribute […]
Онлайн-вебінар «РЕСТОСІЛЬПО»
As part of the measures to involve employers in the educational process in accordance with the content of the Educational Professional Program “Hotel and Restaurant Business,” an online webinar, “RESTA SILPO,” with the director of the Resto Silpo office, Olena Polkovnikova, was held on 20 November 2023, organized by the NUFT Graduate Employment Department. У […]
Популяризація академічної доброчесності серед здобувачів освіти
To study the educational component “Fundamentals of Academic Integrity” and promote academic integrity, Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department students took the relevant online course and received certificates on the EdEra platform. Among the course lecturers were Taras Tymochko, coordinator of the Project for the Advancement of Academic Integrity in Ukraine (SAIUP), Yegor Stadnyi, CEO […]
Долучення здобувачів до руху Slow Movement як інноваційної технології сфери туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
Students of the educational and professional programs Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department attended the online lecture of the leader of the Slow Food Ukraine Movement, Yuliia Pytenko. They found out the basic principles and possibilities of this movement. У сучасному глобалізованому світі все більшої популярності набуває так званий Slow Movement, як спротив поширенню […]
Участь в публічних заходах польською мовою як засіб формування загальних та спеціальних компетентностей
Teachers and students of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department visited an open lecture titled “They Fought for Independence.” The lecture was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Polish Republic. It was organized by the non-governmental organization “Volyn Automobile Club” on the territory of the historical, cultural reserve “The Old Lutsk.” The students […]
Практичні поради щодо підготовки до пошуку роботи у сфері туризму від менеджерки проектів Capgemini Engineering (Штутгарт, Німеччина)
Students studying under the educational professional program Tourism had the opportunity to participate in a guest lecture that combined topics and tasks from the educational components of Communication Management and Foreign Language of the Tourism Industry. The lecture was aimed at improving skills in writing a resume (CV) and preparing for an interview when looking […]
Напої у стилі Halloween
The educational professional program 241 Hotel and Restaurant Business students performed special tasks during the practical classes of the Bar Operation Management educational component. Their main challenge was preparing a mixture of beverages under the general topic “Halloween.” Such tasks ensure the formation of key competencies in the hospitality sphere. Міксологія в сучасному розумінні включає […]
Історична реконструкція як форма проведення практичних занять
One of the methods of involving practitioners in the implementation of the educational process at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaraunt Business Department is to conduct practical classes (educational components: “Polish Language of the Tourism Industry”, “Excursion Studies,” and “History of the Native Land”) in the form of historical reconstruction of events. With the assistance of […]
Дослідження історії як шлях до формування професійних компетентностей фахівця туристичної галузі
Under the content of the educational professional program of the Tourism specialty, the teachers of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department conduct activities to involve practitioners and industry experts in the educational process. In this context, the director of the museum of the Lutsk brotherhood, a well-known Volyn researcher, Mrs. Olena Biriulina, visited the […]
Неформальна освіта в навчальному процесі
In the process of implementing a student-centered approach in the teaching of professional educational components (Marketing, Information Technologies in the HRG, Organization of the Hotel Industry), students of the specialty “Hotel and Restaurant Business” took the online course “We are Open” on the educational platform EdEra as part of informal education. This experience allowed the […]
Гостьовий лекторій
At the invitation of Viktoriia Vlasenko, the Polish Language teacher, a delegation of members of the Lublin Brotherhood held an exciting guest lecture in Polish for the students of the 242 Tourism major. The delegation arrived at Volyn on the occasion of the founding of the same brotherhood in our city. На запрошення викладача польської […]