Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Декантація вина: набуваємо практичних навичок
The implementation of the educational and professional program Hotel and Restaurant Business is provided with the appropriate material and technical equipment for the acquisition of special competencies and practical skills by students. Our educational and professional programme provides for various types of practical training, including laboratory work while mastering educational components. During the study of […]
Можливості неформальної освіти як спосіб підвищення кваліфікації здобувачів
At the present stage, students have many options to improve their qualifications in the process of studying through courses, webinars, and workshops. The students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business educational professional programme took the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in the hospitality industry by taking the Barista certificate course on the Diia. Education portal. […]
Поезія Лесі Українки вустами здобувачів ОПП Готельно- ресторанної справи та ОПП Туризм
Students of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department recited the most famous poem of Lesia Ukrianka, “Contra spem spero.” The event was held on the occasion of the 153rd anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka’s birth and in order to achieve the general competencies of the educational professional programs in Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, […]
У День святого Валентина плекаємо любов до вивчення мов
During a regular meeting of the “Ukrainian-Slovak Cultural and Linguistic Ties” study group, students of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department were selecting the most beautiful words to dedicate to their soulmates in Ukrainian and Slovak on Valentine’s Day. The study group aims to form an idea of the kinship and originality of the […]
Участь викладачів фахових дисциплін у підготовці Пілотного проєкту щодо моніторингу якості освіти у закладах ФПО
The State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine State, with the participation of the State Institution “Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Higher Education,” is taking measures to prepare and implement a Pilot Project to study (monitor) the quality of education in professional higher education institutions in order to determine the educational losses […]
Вручення дипломів випускникам
31 січня 2024 року відбулося вручення дипломів фахового молодшого бакалавра випускникам коледжу, які навчалися за освітньо-професійними програмами «Туризм», «Готельно-ресторанна справа», «Харчові технології». Радість, гордість і одночасно сум пережили ті, хто прийшов на цю подію. Роки навчання і цікавого студентського життя швидко минули. Здавалося, зовсім недавно вчорашні школярі стали абітурієнтами, а сьогодні – випускниками. З вітальними […]
Фахові випускні іспити здобувачів освіти ОПП Готельно-ресторанна справа та ОПП Туризм
On 15 January, professional final examinations began at the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department. Students who have completed their educational and professional programs in the 2023/24 academic year are taking the exams. The complex exam task includes theoretical questions and solving practice-oriented tasks in specialized disciplines. Students presented general and special competencies in accordance […]
Спадкоємці Луцького колегіуму – дослідники історії та традицій закладу
Lecturers and students of the Tourism programme took part in the international scientific and practical conference “Castles and Palaces in Tourism” in a remote format, organised by the Department of Country Studies and Tourism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The researchers’ reports covered exciting and relevant interstate, national, and regional topics. Викладачі та […]
Дослідження інноваційних тенденцій барної культури – невід’ємна складова підготовки конкурентоспроможних фахівців на ринку праці
The students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business educational program attended workshops of speakers and ambassadors of well-known alcohol companies online as part of the International Expo Forum of Restaurant, Hotel, and Cleaning Business, which took place on November 28–29 in Kyiv. In the educational component of the OC24 laboratory lesson, “Bar business and organization […]
Застосування студентоцентрованого підходу під час проведення лабораторних занять
Students of the group GRS 31, majoring in the 241 Hotel and Restaurant Business Program, set the table and worked out the following methods of serving food and beverages in the laboratory class: portioned serving of dishes; serving dishes “to the table”; serving dishes “on a tray”; serving dishes with preliminary portioning on the utility […]
Участь у міжнародній освітнньо-практичній олімпіаді з туризму
Vitaliia Trofymiuk, a Tourism Educational Professional Program student, participated in the International Scientific and Educational Tourism Olympiad organized by the National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic.” The competition aims to increase the interest of students, teachers, and the professional community in the current theoretical and applied aspects of tourism development at the micro and macro levels. […]
Конкурси фахової майстерності як моніторинг рівня професійної підготовки здобувачів освіти
To monitor and improve the level of professional training of students, form particular competencies, increase interest in the chosen specialty, and develop students’ creative activity, the Department of Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business held a professional skills competition among students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business educational professional program. З метою моніторингу та підвищення рівня […]