Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Участь студентів коледжу у програмі обміну «Еразмус+»
Студенти відділень туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи і харчових технологій Волинського фахового коледжу НУХТ розпочали навчання за програмою академічної мобільності «Еразмус+» в Ризі, Латвія. Основні цілі програми «Еразмус+» – підвищення якості освіти в Європі, розвиток мобільності та культурних зв’язків студентів європейських та сусідніх із ЄС країн, сприяти розвитку молодих людей як висококваліфікованих та неупереджених майбутніх професіоналів […]
Формування спеціальних компетентностей шляхом моделювання роботи екскурсовода
The educational laboratory of the Volyn Professional College of NUFT ‘Museum-Room of the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes’ embraces exhibits that introduce the audience to a difficult and painful period in the history of our region. Using the exposition, students of the educational professional programme ‘Tourism’ have the opportunity to try themselves as professional guides, test […]
Участь здобувачів ОПП Туризм у Міжнародному дні музеїв
Students majoring in Tourism took part in a number of events as part of the study of the educational component of Museology. In particular, a study was conducted on the activities of the occupation regime in Ukraine during the Second World War and in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian War. The […]
Проєкт-реконструкція традиційних українських напоїв
In the course of practical training of students of the educational and professional programme Hotel and Restaurant Business and the skilled worker qualification Waiter. Bartender, lecturers, teachers, and students prepared a project reconstructing traditional Ukrainian drinks based on old folk recipes in a modern interpretation. The project was also implemented as part of the celebration […]
Проєкт як вид практичної підготовки здобувачів ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна справа»
During practical training for students majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business, lecturers and students prepared a project to reconstruct a traditional Ukrainian national interior and a table with embroidered elements. The project was also implemented as part of the celebration of the All-Ukrainian Vyshyvanka Day. The table setting included bread and pastries, which are considered […]
Майстер-класи як вид практичної підготовки здобувачів ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна справа» та «Туризм»
To ensure the special competencies of applicants for Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business educational professional programs in the process of mastering the educational components ‘Organisation of Leisure and Animation Services in Hotel and Restaurant Business’ and ‘Organisation of Animation Activities’, such practical training as workshops is provided. For example, Vlada Iakovleva, a student of […]
Вишиванка як символ нескореності
Traditionally, on the third Thursday of May, lecturers, teachers and students of the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business Department of the Volyn Professional College of NUFT wear embroidered shirts and hold several events to preserve and promote Ukrainian traditions. Vyshyvanka is a true Ukrainian treasure, and Vyshyvanka Day is a great occasion to show the […]
Участь здобувачів ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна справа» у майстер-класі «Оновлення літнього меню»
In the process of implementing the educational and professional programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business” and to strengthen special competencies in the educational component “Bar Business and Sommelier Work Organisation”, lecturers and students of the corresponding educational program participated in a master class “Summer Menu Update” by MONIN Ukraine brand ambassador Tetiana Kozyk, which took place […]
Демонстрація інноваційного гастрономічного проєкту здобувачів ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна справа»
An important component of the students’ training is the introduction of innovative technologies in the relevant field of professional activity. As part of the Volyn FEST 2024 Festival of Professions, students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business educational and professional programme created and demonstrated a soft drink project designed to present Lutsk’s tourist attractions. Важливою […]
Сервірування та обслуговування ділового обіду як засіб формування спеціальних компетентностей
In the process of studying the educational component “Restaurant Management”, the students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business programme have developed the skills of serving and servicing a business lunch. During this laboratory work, students strengthened the special competences essential for their future profession. В процесі вивчення освітнього компонента «Організація ресторанного господарства» здобувачі ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна […]
«Мелодії кликуна», «Смак мудрості»… Популяризація гастрономічних пропозицій Луцька здобувачами ОПП «Туризм»
As part of the Volyn FEST – 2024 Festival of Professions, which brought together representatives of vocational education institutions from all over the Volyn region, students of the Tourism educational professional programme joined the promotion of the gastronomic offerings of our city. Participation in such events provides elementary forms of research and innovation activities for […]
Великодній стіл: тематична сервіровка та моделювання обслуговування
In the process of studying the educational components “Organization of restaurant service”, “Bar business and organization of sommelier work”, students of the educational and professional program “Hotel and Restaurant Business” systematically practice modeling the process of organizing and serving themed banquets. During a regular laboratory lesson, they developed a menu for an Easter feast, performed […]