Категорія: Туризм
Ступенева освіта – запорука кар’єрного зростання випускників
Yurii Solohub, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Business at NUFT, held an online meeting with graduates of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business at Volyn Professional College, where he spoke in detail about the opportunities to study at the National University of Food Technologies. The National University of […]
Практична підготовка – запорука конкурентоспроможності випускників на ринку праці
The students of the Tourism educational professional programme underwent professional practice for three weeks in travel agencies of the city and region. The students worked with CRM systems, practiced booking hotels and tickets on aggregator sites, created content plans to promote the services of travel agencies, and learned the basics of targeted advertising on social […]
Практична робота: Природно-заповідний фонд, концепція сталого розвитку
For students of the educational and professional programme ‘Tourism’, as part of the study of the educational component ‘Geography of Tourism’, a practical lesson was held on the topic: “Assessment of the resource potential of tourist regions in the context of sustainable development on the example of nature reserve objects”. Such a lesson is in […]
Стажування студентів ВоФК НУХТ у Hotel School (м.Рига, Латвія)
Implementing the educational and professional programmes ‘Tourism,’ ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business,’ and ‘Food Technologies’ at the Volyn Professional College of NUFT provides students with an opportunity for academic mobility. In December, the students of the relevant EPPs once again completed an internship at HOTEL SCHOOL, Hotel Management College (Riga, Latvia) under the Erasmus+ programme. During […]
Участь здобувачів освіти в програмах академічної мобільності у м. Рига (Латвія)
As part of the academic mobility, students majoring in Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business, and Food Technologies are interning at HOTEL SCHOOL College in Riga, Latvia. In the first days of the internship, the mobility participants got acquainted with the work of the best hotels in Riga, visited the AC Hotel by Marriott, and communicated […]
Воркшоп від засновника кулінарної школи CookerySchool та успішного ресторатора Владислава Фінкевича
As part of measures to involve employers in the educational process, lecturers of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies Departments Yulia Sus, Oksana Kaznadzey, Yana Lapchuk, and Tetiana Ishchyk, together with students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business, Tourism and Waiter. Bartender educational professional programmes participated in a workshop by Vladyslav Finkevych, the […]
Практична підготовка та здобуття компетентностей здобувачів ОПП «Туризм»
In the process of training professional junior bachelors of the Tourism programme who can create, organise and control the production and sale of services in the field of tourism and recreation, another trip to the Carpathians took place, during which the applicants acquired specific competencies provided for by the educational and professional programme. In the […]
Зустріч з випускницею коледжу: шлях від навчання до міжнародного досвіду
Students of the educational professional programmes of the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business Department had a meeting with a stakeholder – a graduate of our college, a student of the National University of Food Technologies Bohdana Haiduk. The goal was to determine the compliance of the educational and professional programme Hotel and Restaurant Business with […]