Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Нетворкінг від технічного бюро АСКІЛЛ
To improve her professional competence, Yulia Sus, a Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department lecturer, attended a meeting ‘The path from home cooking to catering or craft production’ in the Cookery School by Vlad Finkevych. The event speakers were Alina Satz, project manager of production process optimization and production capacity planning and auditor of quality and…
«Мовний калейдоскоп осені» – інноваційні методи навчання здобувачів відділення туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
Innovative methods of studying educational components are used to implement the educational professional programs ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business’ and ‘Tourism.’ They contribute to the acquisition of general competencies of future specialists. Thus, students actively participated in the integrated lesson ‘Language Kaleidoscope of Autumn’ in the educational component ‘Ukrainian for Specific Purposes,’ which combined interactivity, creativity,…
Освоєння технологій професійного зростання
In the process of studying the educational component ‘Foreign Language for Professional Purposes’, a practical lesson ‘Writing a CV in English’ was held for students of the professional qualification ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business’. The students learned how to properly structure their CVs, select keywords, and formulate their own achievements to help them attract the attention…
Формування принципів сталого розвитку здобувачів освіти відділення туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи
Education for sustainable development aims to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies that shape future hospitality specialists’ worldview and value system. During the plein air biology class, students of the groups GRS-11, GRS-12, and T-11, together with Nadiia Stetsiuk, studied in more detail the flora and fauna of our city, the state of the urban environment…
Освоєння інноваційних технологій в сфері гостинності на практичних заняттях
In the practical training of the students of educational professional programmes ‘Tourism’ and ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business’ (disciplines “Fundamentals of Hotel and Restaurant Business,” “Restaurant Business”), innovative technologies of the relevant field of professional activity are taken into account. The students of the “Tourism” educational programme (“The Basics of Hotel and Restaurant Business”) practiced the…
Методи активного навчання під час реалізації ОПП Туризм
In the implementation of the educational professional programme ‘Tourism,’ active learning methods are widely used in addition to traditional forms. Thus, a practical lesson on the educational component ‘Fundamentals of Recreation and Tourism Studies’ was held using the active learning method – analysis of specific situations that arise in practical activities. In particular, the students…
«Стартуй карʼєру». Співпраця з соціальними партнерами та професійними об’єднаннями
The college maintains ongoing cooperation with social partners and professional associations to successfully implement educational professional programmes in Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business. As part of this cooperation, students participated in the “Start Your Own Business” and “Start Your Career” trainings, which the Volyn Youth Centre and the Youth Platform NGO realized. Для успішної реалізації…
Управління туристичними заходами як елемент практичної підготови здобувачів ОПП Туризм
To acquire some general and special competencies and master the educational components ‘Excursion Studies,’ ‘Technology and Organisation of Tourist Services,’ ‘Event Tourism,’ ‘Specialised Tourism’, the students of the Tourism programme developed a three-day tourist itinerary, accompanied the students-tourists of the Volyn Professional College of NUFT, selected objects for inspection, booked accommodation and catering services, and…
Взаємодія зі стейкхолдерами – запорука якісної підготовки здобувачів
Representatives of the Volyn Professional College NUFT visited a distillery in Lutsk. The purpose of the visit was to cooperate with stakeholders and search for areas of cooperation in the training of competent junior professional bachelors in hospitality. A tour was organized for the meeting participants, followed by a meeting with the company’s management. In…
Практичне заняття-дискусія
The Tourism educational professional programme includes the “Restaurant Business” educational component to train highly qualified professional junior bachelors capable of creating, organising, and controlling the production and sale of services in the field of Tourism and Recreation. During its study, a practical lesson was held on an autumn-themed table setting, as service is crucial in…
Практичне заняття у форматі коворкінгу
In the process of implementing the educational and professional programme’ Hotel and Restaurant Business,’ which provides various types of practical training, a workshop was held for the students in the format of coworking, as the newest type of professional and business communications in a specialized space in the Georgian authentic cuisine restaurant ‘Suli Guli.’ Here,…
Бінарне заняття як форма реалізації ОПП «Готельно-ресторанна справа»
Oksana Kaznadzej, Iuliia Sus, and Tetiana Semeniuk, lecturers of specialized disciplines, organized a binary lesson on the educational components ‘Restaurant Management,’ ‘Restaurant Product Technology,’ and ‘Event Planning and Catering,’ during which students practiced cooking and picnic skills. It was conducted in the form of a binary class. Binary classes integrate educational components not only to…