Категорія: Готельно-ресторанна справа
Онлайн лекція від засновника компанії Hoteliero Андрія Скіп’яна «Специфіка діяльності івент-компаній»
To involve stakeholders and employers in the educational process of the students of the educational professional programmes ‘Tourism,’ ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business’ and with the support of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business of NUFT, students had the opportunity to join a guest lecture by the founder and CEO of the event company Hoteliero […]
Гостьова лекція від директора управління по роботі з персоналом ТОВ «Міжнародно-діловий центр» готелю Hilton Kyiv Антоніни Форостяної
Hospitality industry stakeholders hold guest lectures for the students of the educational professional programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business.” Such lectures are organised to ensure that the professional training of students meets the needs of target groups and the labour market. In the process of studying the educational components’ Hotel Business,’ ‘Fundamentals of Hospitality,’ ‘Communication Management,’ […]
Використання творчих практичних завдань при формуванні професійних навичок
Lecturer Yulia Sus conducted an integrated practical lesson that combined elements of catering and event management. The students received a creative task, ‘Modern Christmas Table Setting,’ which contributed to developing professional skills, creativity, and understanding of modern trends in the design of festive events. Before starting their practical work, the Hotel and Restaurant Business programme […]
Лабораторні роботи як засіб реалізації освітньо-професійних програм
The laboratory work on the course ‘Organisation of Restaurant Service’ in the winter semester was dedicated to preparing for the Christmas holidays. As part of the lesson, the students recreated a Christmas table setting. During the work, the students adhered to modern service standards, using various techniques for folding napkins, harmoniously combining textiles and decor, […]
Фудпорн на столі: як сервіровка стає мистецтвом
Lecturers in our college use various innovative methods of practical training, considering the current trends in the relevant industry for professional junior bachelors in the Hotel and Restaurant Business. Students majoring in Hospitality under the guidance of Oksana Kaznadzei demonstrated modern trends in the decor of festive tables. Thanks to their professional skills, the students […]
Інтерактивне заняття з англійської мови напередодні Різдва
The students of Hotel and Restaurant Business finished the first semester with the wishes of “Merry Christmas, Happy and Peaceful New Year”. As part of the various types of practical training provided by the Hotel and Restaurant Business programme, an interactive lesson was held to learn about the diversity of Christmas traditions in different cultures […]
Лекція-бесіда з фахівцем-практиком сфери гостинності
The educational and professional programme “Hotel and Restaurant Business” involves the constant involvement of practitioners in the organisation and implementation of the educational process. Thus, the students had the opportunity to listen to a guest lecture by Maya Kirichuk-Schmal, Head of Housekeeping at the Gwiazda Morza Hotel, Resort Spa & Sport (Władysławowo, Poland). She informed […]
Стажування студентів ВоФК НУХТ у Hotel School (м.Рига, Латвія)
Implementing the educational and professional programmes ‘Tourism,’ ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business,’ and ‘Food Technologies’ at the Volyn Professional College of NUFT provides students with an opportunity for academic mobility. In December, the students of the relevant EPPs once again completed an internship at HOTEL SCHOOL, Hotel Management College (Riga, Latvia) under the Erasmus+ programme. During […]
Майстер-класи для студентів Коледжу готельного бізнесу HOTEL SCHOOL (м.Рига, Латвія)
Історія становлення української кухні, звичний українському народу спосіб приготування їжі, досвід і звичаї, які пов’язані з українською культурою, кулінарне мистецтво українців, саме це стало тематикою майстер-класів, що проводила викладач фахових дисциплін Волинського фахового коледжу НУХТ Олеся Панькевич, для студентів Коледжу готельного бізнесу HOTEL SCHOOL (м.Рига, Латвія) у рамках програми міжнародного стажування та академічної мобільності освітніх […]
Участь здобувачів освіти в програмах академічної мобільності у м. Рига (Латвія)
As part of the academic mobility, students majoring in Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business, and Food Technologies are interning at HOTEL SCHOOL College in Riga, Latvia. In the first days of the internship, the mobility participants got acquainted with the work of the best hotels in Riga, visited the AC Hotel by Marriott, and communicated […]
Відпрацювання здобувачами освіти ОПП “Готельно-ресторанна справа” практичних навичок тематичної сервіровки столу
During the laboratory lesson (EC ‘Organisation of Restaurant Business’), the Hotel and Restaurant Business programme students recreated the table setting for the ‘tea party’. As a component of the educational process and practical training, laboratory classes are focused on the formation of special competencies in the ability to plan, organise, and ensure the production and […]
Фестиваль фахової майстерності «РЕСТ ПРОФІ»: популяризація українських традицій у сфері гостинності
Mariana Striletska and Vladyslav Husak, students majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business at the Volyn Professional College of the National University of Food Technology, under the guidance of lecturers Yuliia Sus and Oksana Kaznadzei, participated and successfully presented their educational establishment at the V All-Ukrainian Festival of Professional Excellence ‘Rest Profi,’ which became an essential […]