Позначка: ЦВК_ТГРС
Проєктна робота здобувачів освіти ОПП Готельно-ресторанна справа
To ensure that the professional qualifications of “The Hotel and Restaurant Business” educational and professional programme students meet the requirements of the labour market and to strengthen special competencies in the educational components of ‘Restaurant Business’ and ‘Restaurant Management,’ the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department implemented a project to serve a Cossack table, which…
Практикум-екскурсія як форма забезпечення регіональної компоненти ОПП Туризм
As part of the study of the professional educational components “Hotel Business,” “Excursion Studies,” “Marketing Fundamentals,” and “Foreign Language for Hotel and Restaurant Business,” students of the educational and professional programme “Tourism” conducted a workshop tour of business-class hotels in the central historical part of Lutsk. Beforehand, the students were given tasks such as analyzing…
Практична реалізація ОПП «Туризм» в процесі обслуговування дитячих туристичних груп
While studying the educational component ‘Technology and Organisation of Tourist Services,’ students of the educational professional programme Tourism developed and conducted several entertaining games and competitions for children that combined leisure with educational elements. They independently designed and planned itineraries for children’s groups, considering the participants’ interests, needs, and age. Studying the educational component ‘Technology…
Здобуття фахових компетентностей здобувачів спеціальності «Туризм і рекреація» через екскурсійну діяльність
For high-quality practical training provided by the educational and professional programme ‘Tourism,’ which enables students to achieve special competencies necessary for further professional activity, excursions for first-year students on the Dubno-Tarakaniv route were held as part of the day of the College’s Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department. The tours were organised and conducted by…
Заняття-екскурс «Подорож визначними місцями світу»
One example of a successful combination of developing critical thinking and interactive skills of students is foreign language classes with students of the educational and professional programmes Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism (educational component Foreign Language for Professional Purposes) on the topic ‘World Sights’, conducted using interactive technologies and gamification, and dedicated to the…
Участь здобувачів освіти у заходах присвячених Всесвітньому дню туризму
The Volyn Professional College NUFT hosts events dedicated to World Tourism Day annually. These events aim to increase interest in travel, strengthen tourism infrastructure, and promote new destinations. They also allow people to learn and understand the main forms and types of tourism and acquire professional skills in organising tourism activities. The sports competition was…
Вивчення гейміфікації музейного простору як інноваційна практика
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, lecturer of specialized disciplines, chairman of the working group on the development of the educational professional programme “Tourism,” PhD, Irina Savchenko…
Подорожі як спосіб самовдосконалення
Любов до подорожей властива будь-якій людині. Вони допомагають відволіктися від буденності, очистити свідомість та знайти душевний спокій. Крім того, де ще можна дізнатися стільки нового, як у мандрівках досі незнаними місцями, знайомлячись з іншими людьми та культурами? Недарма існує думка, що найкращий спосіб самовдосконалення – це здійснення туристичних подорожей. Участь викладачів Волинського фахового коледжу НУХТ…
Цифрові освітні інструменти для модернізації фахової освіти
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249, Olga Zvereva, Chair of the Council, Development Director, lecturer, HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College (Latvia, Riga) presented to…
Навчально-пізнавальний квест “Україна починається з тебе” як засіб формування фахових компетентностей
Within the framework of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department’s day, students of the educational professional programmes “Hotel and Restaurant Business” and “Tourism” took part in the educational and cognitive quest “Ukraine begins with you.” В рамках проведення дня відділення Туризму та Готельно-ресторанної справи здобувачі освіти ОПП Готельно-ресторанна справа та Туризм взяли участь в…
«Сніданок на веранді» – тематична сервіровка столу в концепції сільського туризму
To implement special competencies for the educational components “Basics of Hotel and Restaurant Business” and “Specialized Tourism” (Module 2. Green Tourism) students of the educational professional programme Tourism created a thematic setting for the table laying according to the conception of green tourism. The “Breakfast on the Terrace” event was organized to celebrate World Tourism…
Екологічні інновації: введення стійкості та цифрової трансформації в сферу гостинності
As part of the implementation of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249, the workshop participants focused on environmental innovations and the introduction of sustainability and digital transformation in…