Категорія: Готельно-ресторанна справа
Формування спеціальних компетентностей та соціальної відповідальності здобувачів освіти через організацію благодійних заходів
During the week, students and lecturers of the Food Technologies and Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Departments participated in various events organised by the Maltese and the Nova Linia hypermarket as part of the charity event ‘Giving Warmth is Easy’. This year’s events included fairs for selling authentic Ukrainian dishes, baking and sweets, tasting and […]
Майстер клас як форма профорієнтаційної роботи
For the college to ensure the right to education of applicants with special educational needs, lecturers and trainers of the Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department provide advisory and social support to such students and applicants, as well as conduct appropriate career guidance activities. Oksana Kaznadzey and Yana Lapchuk, together with students of the Hotel […]
Проект «Осіння сервіровка столу»
The Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Business Department has a modern material and technical base, enabling students to form and develop relevant special competencies and learning outcomes in studying professional educational components in the relevant training laboratories. Thus, during the subsequent laboratory work within the educational component ‘Restaurant Management,’ students demonstrated high knowledge, skills, and creativity […]
Зустріч з випускницею коледжу: шлях від навчання до міжнародного досвіду
Students of the educational professional programmes of the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business Department had a meeting with a stakeholder – a graduate of our college, a student of the National University of Food Technologies Bohdana Haiduk. The goal was to determine the compliance of the educational and professional programme Hotel and Restaurant Business with […]