Позначка: Проєкт 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET
Апробація цифрового продукту учасниками міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249 provides for the training of digital tools used to promote cultural heritage. The workshop participants discussed the use […]
Обговорення досвіду впровадження цифровізації та гейміфікації в сферу гостинності в рамках міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, participants of the workshop got acquainted with new digital platforms, that are effective tools for popularizing tourist destinations’ potential. The purpose […]
Екскурс в історію та розвиток сфери гостинності в Італії
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, seminar participants got acquainted with the history, culture, and development of hospitality in Italy. Giulia Troiano, a teacher of Italian language […]
Знайомство із особливостями фахової освіти Італії в рамках міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, lecturers of the Volyn Professional College NUFT Lesia Steshenko, Svitlana Kizym, Iryna Savchenko, and Viktoriia Kavara participated in the second methodological […]
Робоча зустріч команди ВоФК НУХТ за проєктом ЄС програми ЕРАЗМУС +
On July 16, 2024, a meeting of the VoPC NUFT project team was held on the EU project of the ERASMUS + program “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices” (acronym “CB-VET plus”). The purpose of the […]
Тренінг як інструмент особистісного зростання
The international methodological workshop ‘Modernisation and internationalisation of the educational institutions’ within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal VET capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, including innovation, digitalisation and sustainability by methodology transfer and exchange of best practices’ No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET (Grant Agreement No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus), […]
Гейміфікація та case studies як технології модернізації освітнього процесу
The international methodological workshop ‘Modernisation and internationalisation of the educational institutions’ within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal VET capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, including innovation, digitalisation and sustainability by methodology transfer and exchange of best practices’ No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET (Grant Agreement No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus), […]
Ознайомлення з практиками дослідницької роботи в освітніх закладах Європи
The fourth day of the international methodological workshop ‘Modernisation and internationalisation of the educational institutions’ within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal VET capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, including innovation, digitalisation and sustainability by methodology transfer and exchange of best practices’ No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET (Grant Agreement No. […]
Методичний семінар «Особливості написання та реалізації проєктів Еразмус+: вивчення досвіду Коледжу готельного менеджменту HOTEL SCHOOL (Латвія, Рига)»
One of the tasks of the international methodological workshop ‘Modernisation and internationalisation of the educational institutions’ within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal VET capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, including innovation, digitalisation and sustainability by methodology transfer and exchange of best practices’ No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET (Grant Agreement […]
Методичний семінар «Moodle як інструмент імплементації змішаного навчання»
The third day of the international methodological workshop ‘Modernisation and internationalisation of the educational institutions’ within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal VET capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, including innovation, digitalisation and sustainability by methodology transfer and exchange of best practices’ No. 101129249 – CB-VET plus – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET (Grant Agreement No. […]
Участь викладачів ВоФК НУХТ у методичному семінарі «Використання досвіду та практик систем освіти європейських країн для модернізації та інтерналізації професійної та фахової освіти»
One of the components of the programme of the international methodological seminar was the presentation of the systems of vocational and professional higher education in Latvia, Ukraine, Germany, and Italy. The seminar participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of degree education in the mentioned countries, analysing the problems’ advantages and disadvantages and prospects for developing […]
Участь викладачів коледжу в методичному семінарі в місті Рига по програмі ЕРАЗМУС+
Lecturers of the Volyn Professional College NUFT Lesia Steshenko, Viktoriia Kavara, Oksana Tsisar, Iryna Savchenko took part in the Erasmus+ methodological seminar ‘Modernisation and Internationalisation of Educational Institutions’ in Riga, Latvia, funded by the European Union’s International Cooperation Programme within the framework of the project ‘Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalisation and modernisation, […]