Категорія: Міжнародна співпраця
Участь Волинського коледжу НУХТ у естонсько-українському проєкті «Підтримка модернізації системи освіти України на Західній Україні»
Volyn Professional College NUFT representatives participated in the Estonian-Ukrainian project ‘Supporting the Modernisation of the Ukrainian Education System in Western Ukraine.’ The project aims to get acquainted with the vocational education system of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Finland, participate in seminars, and discuss opportunities for cooperation and development. The visit programme […]
Майстер-клас з приготування цибулячків: зміцнення міжкультурних зв’язків в рамках проєкту “Молодіжний міст Луцьк – Хелм”
A masterclass on making traditional onion rolls was held as part of the Lutsk-Chelm Youth Bridge project. This event was an excellent opportunity for young people from both cities to learn new culinary skills and strengthen intercultural ties. У рамках ініціативи “Молодіжний міст Луцьк – Хелм” відбувся майстер-клас з приготування традиційних цибулячків. Цей захід став […]
Зустріч-знайомство української та польської молоді у рамках проєкту “Молодіжний міст Луцьк-Хелм”
On 4 November 2024, a meeting of Ukrainian and Polish students, participants of the Lutsk-Chelm Youth Bridge for Intercultural Relations project, aimed at establishing cooperation and exchange of cultural and ethnic characteristics of Ukraine and Poland, took place in Chelm. The meeting was organised with the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports […]
Вивчення гейміфікації музейного простору як інноваційна практика
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, lecturer of specialized disciplines, chairman of the working group on the development of the educational professional programme “Tourism,” PhD, Irina Savchenko […]
Цифрові освітні інструменти для модернізації фахової освіти
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249, Olga Zvereva, Chair of the Council, Development Director, lecturer, HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College (Latvia, Riga) presented to […]
Екологічні інновації: введення стійкості та цифрової трансформації в сферу гостинності
As part of the implementation of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249, the workshop participants focused on environmental innovations and the introduction of sustainability and digital transformation in […]
Апробація цифрового продукту учасниками міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices”, project number No. 101129249 provides for the training of digital tools used to promote cultural heritage. The workshop participants discussed the use […]
Обговорення досвіду впровадження цифровізації та гейміфікації в сферу гостинності в рамках міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, participants of the workshop got acquainted with new digital platforms, that are effective tools for popularizing tourist destinations’ potential. The purpose […]
Екскурс в історію та розвиток сфери гостинності в Італії
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, seminar participants got acquainted with the history, culture, and development of hospitality in Italy. Giulia Troiano, a teacher of Italian language […]
Знайомство із особливостями фахової освіти Італії в рамках міжнародного семінару
Within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, by communicating methodology and sharing best practices”, project number No. 101129249, lecturers of the Volyn Professional College NUFT Lesia Steshenko, Svitlana Kizym, Iryna Savchenko, and Viktoriia Kavara participated in the second methodological […]
Волинський фаховий коледж НУХТ переможець конкурсу проєктів Українсько-Польських обмінів молоддю у 2024 році
The Volyn Professional College NUFT won the Ukrainian-Polish youth exchanges contest in 2024, announced in June 2024 by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. The competition aimed to support the cooperation of Ukrainian and Polish youth and build friendly relations between the peoples of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The project is […]
Робоча зустріч команди ВоФК НУХТ за проєктом ЄС програми ЕРАЗМУС +
On July 16, 2024, a meeting of the VoPC NUFT project team was held on the EU project of the ERASMUS + program “Horizontal capacity building of vocational education for internationalization and modernization, including innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, through the transfer of methodology and exchange of best practices” (acronym “CB-VET plus”). The purpose of the […]